Robbery on the streets of the USA

Robbery on the streets of the USA

 Child trafficking is one of the dark chapters in the history of Latin American dictatorships. A business relationship in America and I knew it in America.

Residents in Peru have expressed their dissatisfaction with the outcome of a police investigation into a suspected child trafficking gang in the city of Arequipa. At the center of the investigations appears the country's former police chief, Raul Becerra, who appears to be the right-hand man of a gang active in child trafficking. The gang also appears to have detained pregnant women and forced them to give up their children.

Even if this case is dramatic in Peru, child trafficking in Latin America is not a rare case. According to various relief organizations, this is a terrifying phenomenon that affects all countries in the region.

The situation appears to be very dramatic in Guatemala, since this country has been a leader since the 1980s in the global market for illegal adoption. The increasing number of kidnappings since 2013, as well as the presumed participation of health workers, constitute a fertile ground for child trafficking, experts gather. Cases of impunity reinforce this situation.

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